Objective-type questions System Software and Operating System - 01


Question: Translators for low-level programing language was termed as

A.    Assembler

B.     Compiler

C.     Linker

D.    Loader

Answer: - A. Assembler


Question: Analysis that determines the meaning of a statement once its grammatical structure become known is termed as

A.    Semantic analysis

B.     Syntax analysis

C.    Regular analysis

D.    General analysis

Answer: - A. Semantic analysis


Question: The load address for the first word of the program is called

A.    Linker address origin

B.     Load address origin

C.    Phase library

D.    Absolute library

Answer: - B. Load address origin


Question: Symbolic names can be associated with

A.    Information

B.     Data or instruction

C.    Operand

D.    Mnemonic operation

Answer: - B. Data or instruction


Question: The translator who performs macro expansion is called a

A.    Macro processor

B.     Macro pre-processor

C.    Micro pre-processor

D.    Assembler

Answer: - B.     Macro pre-processor


Question: Shell is the exclusive feature of

A.    UNIX

B.     DOS

C.    System Software

D.    Application software

Answer: - A.    UNIX


Question: A program in execution is called

A.    Process

B.     Instruction

C.    Procedure

D.    Function

Answer: - A. Process


Question: The interval between the time of submission and completion of the job is called

A.    Waiting time

B.     Turnaround time

C.    Throughput

D.    Response time

Answer: - B. Turnaround time


Question: A schedular that selects processes from a secondary storage device is called

A.    Short-term schedule.

B.     Long-term scheduler.

C.    Medium-term scheduler.

D.    Process scheduler.

Answer: - C.  Medium-term scheduler.


Question: The scheduling in which CPU is allocated to the process with least CPU-burst time is called

A.    Priority Scheduling

B.     Shortest job first scheduling

C.    Round Robin Scheduling

D.    Multilevel Queue Scheduling

Answer: - B.  Shortest job first scheduling


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