Objective-type questions System Software and Operating System - Part-06 | 10 Question and Answer


Question: An analysis, which determines the syntactic of the source statement, is called

A.    Semantic analysis

B.     Process analysis

C.    Syntax analysis

D.    Function analysis

Answer: C. Syntax analysis 


Question: Action implementing instruction’s meaning are an actually carried out by

A.    Instruction fetch

B.     Instruction decode

C.    Instruction execution

D.    Instruction program

Answer: C. Instruction execution 


Question: The field that contains a segment index or an internal index is called

A.    Target datum

B.     Target offset

C.    Segment field

D.    Fix dat

Answer: A. Target datum 


Question: A program in execution is called

A.    Process

B.     Function

C.    CPU

D.    Memory

Answer: A. Process 


Question: Jobs which are admitted to the system for processing is called

A.    Long-term scheduling

B.     Short-term scheduling

C.    Medium-term scheduling

D.    Queuing

Answer: A. Long-term scheduling


Question: A set of techniques that allow to execute a program which is not entirely in memory is called

A.    Demand Paging

B.     Virtual Memory

C.    Auxiliary Memory

D.    Secondary memory

Answer: B. Virtual Memory


 Question: SSTF stand for

A.    Shortest-Seek-time-first scheduling

B.     Small-small-time-first

C.    Simple-seek-time-first

D.    Small-simple-time-first

Answer: A. Shortest-Seek-time-first 


Question: Before proceeding with its execution, etch process must acquire all the resources it needs is called

A.    Hold and wait

B.     No pre-emption

C.    Circular wait

D.    Starvation

Answer: A. Hold and wait


 Question: Virtual memory is

A.    Simple to implement

B.     Used in all major commercial operating systems

C.    Less efficient in utilization of memory

D.    Useful when fast I/O devices are not available

Answer: B. Used in all major commercial operating systems


Question: Relocation bits used by relocating loader are specified by

A.    Relocating loader itself

B.     Assembler or Translator

C.    Macro Processor

D.    Both(A) and (B)

Answer: B. Assembler or Translator


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