Answer: For each input and output variable selected, we define we or more
membership function (MF), normally three but can be more. We have to define a
qualitative category for each one of them, for example: low, normal or high.
Example 1: If we take x like a variable and low, normal
and high as trapezoidal, triangle and trapezoidal MFs, respectively
MF low will be defined by three points: (x1, x2, x3). However, in order to have
a real trapezoid, we need a four point at the left x1 (any negative one, e.g.,
the same reasoning, the MF high will be defined by four points: (x3, x4, x5,
x6) (x6 any positive > x5, being x5 the higher possible value for x)
the MF normal (like any other triangular MF) will be defined by three points:
(x2, x3, x4).
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